
Took the time to clean the dust off my bicycle today… then I felt that I should just take it out for a ride too. Why clean it and put it back to collect dust? So off I went… I took a long casual route from Sengkang along the new Upper Serangoon Road, then travelled the whole Hougang Ave 8, then to Ave 3 then a loop back along Upper Serangoon. The bike still ran well, though my legs didn’t. I should go for another swim soon.

Since I passed by Ave 8 I decided to stop at windyday’s place to grab the purifier I wanted to borrow last month. Too bad she didn’t pick up my call, probably watching her dramas or something. Well at least she SMSed back as I was typing this entry =P

I continued empty-handed and started chasing a motorized bicycle… I was following closely behind him, and he was helping me bell off those pesky pedestrians cos he had an electronic bell that had two tones – a simple electronic siren tone and an IRRITATING siren tone. Guess why I know there were two haha. Next thought, time to get a funky bell for pesky pedestrians! Then again, probably I’m the pesky one trying to cycle on the pavement…

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