ulcer. not drinking 2L this week.
Boo Windows for restarting itself in the night for automatic updates. Killed my downloads essentially. I’ve since turned off automatic downloads of updates.
what an ugly rainbow
Adhoc meeting in the morning again. So today’s schedule is filled up. Don’t think will get anything else done today. Shall spend the rest of the time disturbing people.
Song of the Moment: 蕭敬騰 – 给爱人
Saw a lot more posts on LJ today! It’s been a long time since I saw such updates. For a few months it was like lull… Even so I don’t have much to comment. But it’s still nice reading them.
JC costs
Calculator: $148 (after discount)
Floorball Stick: $97 (after discount)
At least the school fees are cheaper than poly…
perfect place for a pretty coaster
peanuts vs alcohol
I just saw this on the news and found a similar article on the web:
Scientists have proved that introducing minute quantities of peanuts to a peanut-allergic child and increasing dosage steadily improves their tolerance to the nuts.
I’ve thought of using the same technique too.
this line is intentionally left blank
I’ve just been to jonquil31’s blog and back, and I’m glad to see like 2 updates per day. That’s the mobile blogging I’m looking for. I’ve shelved my mobile plan for now due to the lack of suitable applications – MSN didn’t work on my phone anymore, and I haven’t found a good mobile plugin for WP. Plus I need to be willing to compromise for a non-unlimited non-HSDPA data plan. Looks like a business case for me to find a platform and write these applications for my own little market. Or maybe I just need an iPhone/gPhone.
Judging from the way I’m having trouble titling my posts I should consider Twitter.