i’m sitting in a meeting now watching a slide that promotes our product that gives users piece of mind.
i’m sitting in a meeting now watching a slide that promotes our product that gives users piece of mind.
when is showed my friends The Power of Conformity a number of them related it to a group of people pointing up and everyone starts looking up. i see that as the power of curiosity, where they want to know what the others saw, rather than wanting to behave like them and look upwards.
my friend told me she has a friend who plays table-tennis. the first time they brought him to play badminton, he stood right behind, outside the court boundaries.
dunno if it’s true.
Jeanne showed me another interesting video at the airport today.
I watched this a while back from i-forgot-where, but the images lingered in my mind.
So I shall share it with myself here.
I didn’t set resolutions last year.
2010, I just hope I will enjoy myself.
why do i still want a new phone? because although it has all the “features” i want (GPS, bluetooth, radio, HSDPA, camera, std audio jack, etc), i want some customization, that i hope i’ll be able to achieve on some customizable platform such as Android.
1. anykey snooze
i want to be able to hit any key to snooze my alarm, instead of only a specific key.
2. text message as default
it asks me what kind of message i want when i create a new message (Message, Audio Message, Email, etc, etc) but 99.9% of the time i’m writing a SMS text message, so i’d love to skip this prompt.
3. radio slumber
i want the radio to turn off by itself after a specific duration, e.g. 30mins.
4. remember camera settings
i want the camera to remember that i didn’t want flash; i now have to keep setting it every time i activate/reactivate the camera.
i think i have some more but i can’t remember now…
i drank a tiny mug of beer again today.
Song of the Moment: 五月天 – 突然好想你
seems friends haven’t been in the pink this year. the most serious i’ve got is possible-h1n1 flu for a 7 day MC, which i think is a small case. other than that i have been exercising quite a bit. hope all my friends will have better health in the coming year.
as a geek instead of praying, i send requests.