
I was at the pool showering just now and there was a dad and his kid in the stall beside me. The dad was trying in vain to get the “just right” water spray so that the kid would start showering. The kid just went “too big… too small… too small… too small…. too big… too small…” The dad still can keep his cool.

I would have slapped my kid upside down.

Song of the Moment: Rihanna – Take a Bow

so sad

i’m so sad. i just accidentally scratched my watch face on a door handle. hmph. i’m going to buy cheap watches to wear from now on.


Because of policy to auto-lock the screen within minutes of inactivity and frequent password-changing policies, I spend much time typing an old password into a locked screen daily.


Swam at lunch. Badminton in the evening. Followed by a short stadium jog.

Sounds a lot but I think it’s supposed to be OK if I’ve really been exercising really regularly.


At lunch I was commenting about some bad code that some people wrote, and is coming back to haunt all of us. At first I described it as 前人种树,后人乘凉… which sounded too positive.

So I invented one: 一人放火,全家烧死.