
Tis’ the 6th post today. That makes up the missing entries for the last few days.

Saw the regular ice cream tricycle downstairs while coming home today, but heard another ice cream bell coming from the block beside. Now there are two of them. Business is tough.

bad night

Had a really bad sleep on Saturday night, my brain was just so hyperactive that it staged its own movie trilogy – I had 3 consecutive dreams. But I can’t really remember them all, I only remember the first one was about walking down to an underground MRT station with food to a barbecue pit at one end of the station platform. Which is weird. The pit was made of the same marble floor in the MRT station and looked pretty authentic.

I tend to have dejavus that occur several years later, when I’ve forgotten about it, but when it happens or when someone says a phrase I’d suddenly remember it. So since I’ve written it down it’ll probably not happen, and if it did it’ll be funny, cos this is weird.

Too bad after 4 days I can’t recall what was in the following two dreams. Maybe I’ll know 3 years later.

delayed posts

“Tomorrow” became 4 days later, due to a powerful flu I developed on Monday. It started in the afternoon and in a few hours it became full blown. Doc said it was “viral infection”, not sure if it just meant the flu virus or something else. It got so bad on Tuesday that I literally spent the entire day in bed, except answering some chats and fixing a build that my team lead broke. It was the worst MC I ever had; I could feel the whole back of my throat inflammed, my bones were aching, both nostrils were blocked so I couldn’t breathe properly and I was getting goosebumps the whole day, even being wrapped in a blanket.

I was planning to go back to the doc on Wednesday to get another day of rest, but luckily the virus left as fast as it came. The soreness and inflammation was gone when I woke up. Due to the medication I was slightly drowsy so I didn’t do much work (OK there wasn’t much to do anyway).

For today my team lead offered to let me work at home for the morning since there were no meetings for today. Maybe I look too pale to him yesterday haha. I think I’ll just draw a diagram later, after I catch up with my posts.

Follow the $

As I expected, StandChart eSaver is having the top-up interest rate offer again, this time at 1.5%. Coincidentally, OCBC FairPricePlus slashed its rate from 1% to 0.5% starting March.

Also as I expected, the 2% interest rate is a gimmick, which only applies to the top-up amount until April. Subsequently the rate drops back to 0.4%, while the contract to wire $1K per month for 6 months remains. I suppose it was closing time soon so the banker was rather straight to the point without me probing further.

Munch munch…

Just finished another damn early meeting and came back to my seat to munch on my cold 叉烧包. I was finishing my last bits when I saw windy’s salad so I shall not try and imitate her to take a photo. As always, the salad looks greener on the other side.

Mrs. KS is still stressed in her ORD mood. Chilling required. I really don’t want to know Mrs. KS as Mrs. Kancheong Spider…

As for me, time for the next meeting. Yawnz.


Looks like everyone is having a good dinner with crabbies and ginseng chicken soup.

Poor me is having plain rice with 酱油猪肉…

the ugly rainbow again

Found out yesterday that both my bro and sis saw the same double rainbow that same evening at all different places. And they all took a shot. What a coincidence.

Tampines Sengkang

The conclusion is Tampines has the best view.