What shall I do this year? Let’s see…
- Get fitter. Failed IPPT, so this seems more like a requirement…
- Get heavier. Eat more. Shall set a 2kg increment this year. Hopefully getting fitter helps with the weight.
- Get tanner. By natural means. More swims.
- Get deaf. Re-pickup signing. There’re so many things I learnt and forgot in my life. This is just another one of it.
- Get geared up. Go for the manual car. I’d prefer a smaller/hatchback manual, but I guess there’s not much choice.
Some other miscellaneous non-resolution things I hope to do:
- Clean up my room mess before CNY.
- Upgrade to a new Ubuntu and then to the April LTS. aMSN needs a lift too.
- Change my blog picture.
what is your swimming routine like?
i wish i can swim too but swimming broaden my already broad shoulders EVEN MORE. then i’ll end up looking like a butcher. lol.
remember to put on suntan lotion (i think or is it sunscreen? definitely not sunblock?) before swim to get better tan and protection from sunny.
routine about twice a week at noon.
u can try other sports!